Sharing Notes & Attachments

Notes and attachments are shared in a similar manner. If sharing is enabled for an investigation case, when a new note or attachment is created, the agency worker is given the option of selecting the non-agency members of the multidisciplinary team with whom the note or attachment can be shared. This list of non-agency members is only displayed on investigation cases where sharing has been enabled. The list will contain only those members of the team with whom the item can be shared. For example, an agency may not want to share investigation case notes with non-agency multidisciplinary team members of a particular role. Therefore, any team member who fills this type of role will be excluded from the list. The note or attachment will be shared with each team member from the list selected by the agency worker. An email will be sent to the non-agency multidisciplinary team member informing them of the addition of the new item to the outcome plan. The team member can click on a link in the email to open the MDT Portal, where after supplying the correct authentication information, they can view the details of the new item added to the investigation case.

Non-agency members of a multidisciplinary team can also add notes and attachments to a collaborative investigation case. They cannot choose the other non-agency members of the multidisciplinary team with whom the item will be shared. This is the role of the investigation case owner. When a note or attachment is added to a collaborative investigation case, it is in effect added to the investigation case. The investigation case owner is notified by the system of the addition of the new item. The investigation case owner can review the item and determine the other non-agency members of the multidisciplinary team with whom the new item should be shared. The selected non-agency members are informed of the addition of the new item and can view the item via a collaborative investigation case in the MDT Portal.