
The Collaborative Investigation Case is a type of SEF used to allow non-agency multidisciplinary team members collaborate with agency workers in the investigation of allegations made against one or more clients. A collaborative investigation case is automatically created by the system in response to the creation of a new investigation where sharing has been enabled for that particular type of investigation. A collaborative investigation case may not be created manually and may be accessed solely by non-agency multidisciplinary team members via the MDT Portal. It represents the non-agency multidisciplinary team members view of an investigation. Agency workers use the actual investigation case and do not use the collaborative investigation case. Only a subset of the information available in the investigation case is available in the collaborative investigation case. The information available in the collaborative investigation case depends upon several factors, however most important among these factors is sharing. Sharing can be configured for investigation notes and attachments. A non-agency multidisciplinary team member can only view the notes and attachments that an agency worker has specifically indicated can be shared with the non-agency multidisciplinary team member.

The remainder of this chapter outlines the functionality and features of a collaborative investigation case.