The Goals of CPI

To keep up with technological advancements, social enterprise agencies have been faced with the large task of modernizing their systems. For the most part, this has consisted of using new technologies, like the internet, to deliver single benefits to individuals. The trend of implementing applications on a per program, per individual, per social service agency has remained, thus resulting in applications with more sophisticated technology but which continue to be siloed, inaccessible to each other.

The main goal of CPI is to break the barriers between the siloed applications by providing a central data index repository for case and client information. Social enterprise agencies and service providers can use CPI to access information across different systems for a single client or for an entire family resulting in a holistic view of the family's complex needs. CPI can also assist social enterprise agencies in modernizing their systems by making information stored in legacy systems available to the modern systems.

By interfacing with Social Enterprise Folders (SEF) and the Citizen Context Viewer (CCV), the CPI provides a hub for social enterprise agencies from which they can collaborate their efforts in helping clients and their families. For information on how social enterprise folders and the citizen context viewer use CPI, see Social Enterprise Folder.