Who Are the People Involved?

A very important aspect of social enterprise collaboration is to widen the scope of persons who can work together to help clients and their families. The groups responsible for delivering benefits and services include social enterprise agencies, governments who fund the agencies, and service providers who offer their services through the agencies. These are all skilled professionals who work with families helping them to acquire their own skills to achieve positive outcomes. Examples include employment agencies, training centers, doctors, foster care facilities, and addiction clinics.

Social enterprise collaboration also considers the members of client communities who have relationships with clients and their families. Community advocates are likely to have a better understanding of the underlying causes which has led families to need assistance and are thus better prepared to assist clients in achieving sustainable, positive outcomes. Examples of community advocates include teachers, coaches, school psychologists, employers, god-parents, and friends of the family. An ever increasing trend is to rely on the skills and resources of people who want to help in addition to relying on just those who are employed to help. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can also participate in assisting clients and their families.