Recording Meeting Minutes

The record meeting minutes wizard assists users in capturing the details of a meeting and issuing meeting minutes to attendees and other interested parties. Each step in the wizard is optional, providing a flexible approach to capturing key information. The record meeting minutes wizard also supports work-in-progress minutes, allowing pieces of information to be recorded all at once or over a period of time. The following meeting information can be captured:

Meeting Details
This includes the meeting subject, location, start and end date/time, as well as the name of the person who organized the meeting and the meeting agenda. Any information entered as part of scheduling the meeting will pre-populate the meeting details.
Meeting Notes and Decisions
Meeting notes and decisions can be recorded in rich text format. These are separate steps in the meeting wizard.
Meeting Attendance
Meeting invitees can be added to the meeting attendees list. Additional invitees can be added, along with their email addresses, to allow for the minutes to be issued to them.
Meeting Actions
Any meeting actions decided upon can be added to the meeting minutes along with the person responsible for the action and the due date by which it is to be complete. A task is created in the background to track progress and is viewable from an internal user inbox and an external user actions list.
Meeting Files
Files can be attached to meeting minutes. File attachments are accessible by viewing meeting minutes.
Meeting Cases
One or more cases can be associated with the meeting, if relevant.
Meeting Summary
This is a summary of the meeting minutes information recorded thus far.

Once the meeting minutes are recorded, the meeting organizer or the user who has recorded the meeting minutes can issue them to any person invited to the meeting. By default, meeting minutes are issued via email with the minutes in an attached PDF document, thus email addresses are required. An informational is displayed when minutes are issued and one or more email addresses are missing or invalid.

Meetings can be issued multiple times and a record is maintained of the history of minutes issued. Each time a version of meeting minutes are issued, the meeting minutes are baselined. This allows users to view the actual minutes as they were at the time of issue.