Redefining Multidisciplinary Teams

The process of redefining multidisciplinary teams differs between predefined teams and individual teams defined within a social enterprise folder.

The team members of a predefined team are meant to be consistent across all social enterprise folders relying on that team. In effect, these predefined teams are not meant to be redefined, since their purpose is to offer consistent representation for clients in similar circumstances. For example, the multidisciplinary team working on child welfare cases should treat each family in the same fashion in order to ensure the protection of all children. Having a team familiar with each other and the work is beneficial to addressing the needs of children and their families. Predefined teams are designed so that only an administrator can add or remove team members, thus updating all social enterprise folders which rely on that team. It is, however, possible to replace one predefined team for another within a social enterprise folders. All predefined teams assigned to a social enterprise folder over time can be viewed in a history.

The main benefit to defining an individual multidisciplinary team within a social enterprise folder is the flexibility in redefining the team. New members can be added by selecting them from existing multidisciplinary team members already recorded in the system. New members can also be added who have never been part of a multidisciplinary team. The system will automatically update the team members listed in the administration component so that other multidisciplinary teams can contain the same member. New members can also be added by selecting them from users within the agency. Any member added to a multidisciplinary team can be removed. The only exception is that a lead member must be changed before that member can be removed.

A record of previous members is maintained for both predefined and individually defined multidisciplinary teams. This allows agency workers to see who has worked on the social enterprise folder over time and to contact previous team members when necessary. For example, an agency worker might wish to find out more about a previous discussion or may require advice on how to work with a client.