Sharing Outcome Plan Activities, Notes & Attachments

Outcome plan activities (services, actions, referrals) may be shared with non-agency multidisciplinary team members via the collaborative outcome plan. Notes and attachments may be shared with non-agency multidisciplinary team members via the collaborative outcome plan and collaborative investigation. An agency worker must specifically indicate that the item is to be shared with a particular non-agency team member. This item is then available to be viewed by the non-agency team member in a collaborative outcome plan via the MDT Portal. A multidisciplinary team sharing governance model has been put in place to provide control regarding what can be shared and with whom it may be shared. The model defines whether activities, notes or attachments are sharable with a particular role of multidisciplinary team member (e.g. teacher, doctor etc.) or with an individual multidisciplinary team member. The sharing defined for a specific individual takes precedence over that defined for the individual's role. In this manner, specific team members can be assigned either greater or more restricted access than that defined for their role. There are three settings for each type of item that can be shared: