Types of MDTs And Their Uses

Fundamental to the success of social enterprise collaboration is the ability of multidisciplinary teams to work together to effectively manage the needs of clients and their families. There are two types of multidisciplinary teams in Cúram: predefined multidisciplinary teams consisting of persons who continue to work together to help multiple families and individual multidisciplinary teams whose goal is to assist one family in particular. The type of multidisciplinary team that is required for a social enterprise folder is configured as part of social enterprise collaboration administration (see the Cúram Social Enterprise Folder Configuration Guide).

Predefined multidisciplinary teams are typically matched to case types with predefined goals. For example, the predefined goals of high risk cases such as domestic abuse investigation are to assess the risk of re-assault or violence and take the necessary steps to protect any persons in harms way. Domestic abuse investigations would require members of law enforcement who can intervene in the home, prosecutors who can protect the legal rights of family members, child protection or family services workers familiar with trends in domestic violence, and psychologists for the purpose of assessment family dynamics. An important attribute of predefined teams is the experience these teams have in working with each other. Investigation cases, in particular, can benefit from predefined teams who are familiar with each other, know how best to communicate with the team, and understand the strengths of each member.

Predefined teams and their team members are configured as part of social enterprise collaboration administration. All social enterprise folders using a predefined team will have the same team members. Predefined teams can be updated at the administration level so that all social enterprise folders relying on this team can automatically avail of these changes. For example, if a member of a predefined team is on holidays, a person can be assigned to fill their role. It is crucial that social enterprise folders dependent on predefined teams continue to be supported when teams go through changes.

Families with complex and ongoing needs require a multidisciplinary team who understands their personal circumstances. For example, an ongoing case aimed at assisting a child who was in a abusive situation requires team members who have established relationships with the child. Where predefined teams are designed to include team members filling specific roles, individual multidisciplinary teams are set up within a social enterprise folder and can be dynamically changed over time. For example, the teachers of children in a family can be updated each school year. To support the creation and maintenance of individual multidisciplinary teams, functionality is provided to add MDT members who are in existing teams, add completely new members, and add existing users.