What Is Social Enterprise Collaboration?

The traditional approach of social enterprise agencies is to deliver benefits and services on a per client per program basis. While these programs ensure a client's basic needs are met, it is difficult to address the root cause of problems. Without visibility between agencies and programs, it can be very difficult for agencies to track overall client progress. As a result clients can often develop long-term dependency on government assistance.

Social enterprise collaboration is a new approach to helping clients and their families. It's main premise is to encourage agencies and other interested parties to collaboratively work together to identify the root cause of family problems and to help the family achieve positive outcomes. In order to do this, agencies and other interested parties should have a holistic view of clients and their families across agencies and programs.

By providing a mechanism to open up communications between clients, family members, agencies, and service providers, this holistic view can be achieved. Open communication channels will remove duplication of efforts, protect against fraud, and match the skills of agency workers and providers to the needs of clients. Successful social enterprise collaboration depends on holistic solutions for families. Social service agencies must have the ability to choose from a wide range of available benefits and services in order to achieve lasting change.