
Creates a new list by joining together some existing lists.

The joinlists expression takes a single argument which must be a list of lists.

The order of the items in the new list is identical to the order in their source list. The lists are joined in the order they are provided.

If the lists being joined can contain duplicate items, consider wrapping the joinlists expression in a removeduplicates expression.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RuleSet name="Example_joinlists"
  <Class name="Person">

    <Attribute name="pets">
        <javaclass name="List">
          <ruleclass name="Pet"/>


  <Class name="Pet">
      <Attribute name="name">
          <javaclass name="String"/>


  <Class name="Household">

    <Attribute name="members">
        <javaclass name="List">
          <ruleclass name="Person"/>

    <!-- get all the pets in the household,
         by joining together each person's
         list of pets -->
    <Attribute name="allPets">
        <javaclass name="List">
          <ruleclass name="Pet"/>
          <!-- a list of list of pets, one
               list for each household
               member -->
              <reference attribute="members"/>
              <reference attribute="pets">


