Application Properties

The following properties are required to be set in the Application.prx file:

Table 1. Mandatory application properties specific to Batch Launcher

Property Name



The email address of the recipient for error messages from each batch job.


The host name of the Internet email server to use for sending error emails.

In addition it is necessary to specify data-source parameters to enable the Batch Launcher to connect to the database. For more information on data-source parameters, see the Cúram Server Developer's Guide.

The following properties are optional in the Application.prx file:

Table 2. Optional application properties specific to Batch Launcher

Property Name



Prevents the stack trace from being included in the email which is sent in the event of an un-handled exception occurring. If set to true, only the top level description of the exception will be included in the body of the email.


Specifies a default return code for the Batch Launcher when no code is found in the BatchErrorCodes database table. If not specified the value defaults to 1.