Common DB2 and Oracle Commands

Build command


Control ETL Processes  
all Initializes the environment and then compiles all code and builds all the metadata for the database and ETL tool.
compile Compiles the BIA Reporting classes.
clean Removes datawarehouse ddl, scripts, classes and jars.
database.all Builds the staging, central, and datamarts schema objects into the databases specified in the file.
database.central Builds the central data warehouse schema objects into the central database specified in the file.
database.central.transforms Loads central transformations into the central database.
database.datamarts Builds the datamarts schema objects into the datamarts database specified in the file.
database.datamarts.demodata Loads demo data into the datamart schema if present.
database.datamarts.transforms Loads datamart transformations into the datamarts database.
database.source.updatenulls Updates source last written column values in the Application tables if null.
database.staging Builds the staging schema objects into the staging database specified in the file.
database.staging.transforms loads staging transformations into the staging database.
encrypt.password -Dpassword=<p> Returns the encrypted version of a password <p>
export.control Writes the contents of all control tables to a log file
jar Packages multiple java file into reporting classes.
resetetl.central Sets the Last ETL Date in the Control Table for the Central ETL's.
resetetl.datamarts Sets the Last ETL Date in the Control Table for the Datamart ETL's.
resetetl.staging Sets the Last ETL Date in the Control Table for the Staging ETL's.
staticdata Copies/merge static data files, merge control files into..\\Reporting\bin\data_manager
transform.address A Developer can use this Build Target to help debug the Post Process in DW_ADDRESS_SP.
transform.aggday A Developer can use this Build Target to help debug the transform in DM_AGGCASEDAY_SP.
transform.aggmonth A Developer can use this Build Target to help debug the transform in DM_AGGCASEMONTH_SP.
transform.staticdata A Developer can use this Build Target to help debug the -1 records that are loaded in DW_STATICDATA_SP
Operational ETL Processes  
clean Removes datawarehouse ddl, scripts, classes and jars.
configtest Checks that the reporting environment is set up correctly.
database.all Builds the staging, central, and datamarts schema objects into the databases specified in the file.
owb.import.all Imports source,staging, central and datamart
owb.deploy.all Deploys staging, central and datamart ETL's
run.all Runs all the ETL's