Instructions for applying a once off patch

The instructions for applying a one off patch are as follows:

  1. Once the patch is downloaded, extract the contents to a directory, for example E:\stage\12345678 where 12345678 is the no. of the patch
  2. Add an environment variable OPatch with value %ORACLE_HOME%\OPatch to the system advanced properties
  3. Add %ORACLE_HOME%\OPatch; to the Path variable
  4. Stop the runtime service by doing the following:
    • Run a command prompt from folder %OWB_HOME%\rtp\sql
    • Login to sqlplus, i.e run "sqlplus"
    • Logon as "sys as sysdba" OR "owbsys" and enter password
    • Execute "@stop_service.sql"
  5. Go to Oracle>WarehouseBuilder>Administration>Stop Control Center Service, log on to the Control Center and choose Stop.
  6. Ensure all Oracle programs are closed.
  7. Run the OPatch Utility in a command prompt from the folder in which it was saved in Step 1:
    • Execute "opatch apply"

    The patch will ask to rollback any other conflicting patches, when asked enter in 'y' to proceed.

    If you encounter any errors - enter in 'y' to proceed and continue the installation, i.e. duplicate files exist or file cannot be found

  8. Restart the runtime service by following all the steps in step 4 except the final one which will be
    • Execute "@start_service.sql"
  9. The patch should now be fully applied. If any problems are experienced after installing the patch, it can be removed by following steps 4-8 above, only in step 7 run the following in command prompt:
    • Execute "opatch rollback -id 12345678" where 12345678 is the no. of the patch
  10. Pleas refer to the README.txt files for a more detailed version