Create Data Warehouse Databases

Follow these steps to create the Data Warehouse Databases:

  1. Start a command prompt and navigate to ..\Reporting\components
  2. Run the 'build database.all' command

This command will create all of the Data Warehouse Database objects, such as Tables, Views, Functions, Procedures and Sequences in the Central and Datamart Databases.

Please note that this command executed 'build staticdata'. This copies/merges the static data files and the control files to the ..\Reporting\components\core\etl\CuramBIWarehouse\package-misc folder. It also set the Flat Files Path Variable in IWE to point to this folder.

Note: If the IWE client is not installed on the DB2 server then this static data will need to be manually copied to the DB2 server and ensure that the Static Data File Variable path points to that location. This Variable will be set in a subsequent section.

The command also executed 'build database.staging', 'build database.central', 'build database.datamarts', which create the Staging, Central, and Datamart Database objects. These commands can be run individually, when a full Data Warehouse build is not required.