Oracle Environment

This product contains components created using Oracle Warehouse Builder elements and is designed for use with Oracle products, licenses for which may be obtained as necessary from Oracle.

Oracle Warehouse Builder is comprised of a set of graphical user interfaces to assist you in implementing complex data system designs. Your designs are saved as metadata in a centralized repository.

The centralized repository, known as the Warehouse Builder repository, is hosted on an Oracle Database. The Design Center is the interface that provides a visual representation of the Warehouse Builder repository. Use the Design Center to import source objects such as tables and views, design ETL processes such as mappings, and ultimately design the target warehouse.

A mapping is an object in which you define the flow of data from sources to targets. Based on a mapping design, Warehouse Builder generates the code required to implement the ETL logic.Warehouse Builder can generate PL/SQL, SQL*Loader, or ABAP code for mappings.

After you complete the design of a mapping, for example, and prompt Warehouse Builder to generate the code, the next step is to deploy the mapping. Deployment is the process of copying the relevant metadata and code you generated in the Design Center to a target schema. The target schema is generically defined as the database which will execute the ETL logic you designed in the Design Center. Specifically, in a traditional data warehousing implementation, the data warehouse is the target schema and the two terms are interchangeable.