The Build Script explained

The build script is used to drive the Reporting environment. Its main functions are to build the database schemas for Reporting and to import the ETL metadata into the ETL tools. It functions in the same manner for both supported database platforms.

In addition to importing the database schema and ETL metadata the build script validates the metadata once it is imported. Error messages detailing the problem are displayed if the build script does not successfully validate. The build script can also be used to deploy and run ETL's to populate the tables.

It is quicker to use the build script than manually importing each of the ETL's into the warehouse tool. This is because the build script can import all ETL's using one command. Also, because the database and warehouse tool connection information is stored in a properties file the developer does not need to repeatedly import meta data files.

When customizing ETL's in the custom folder the build script will ensure that the customized ETL's and database schemas are being loaded and not the core metadata. Also, as the build script validates the metadata it will ensure that all objects (schema and ETL's) are consistent. It does this by attempting to validate and displaying messages if there are errors. An example of inconsistency includes a developer who changes a column name in a table in the database schema but does not change the corresponding ETL metadata. When the build script attempts to validate these objects a validation error will occur.