The Administrative Console

Most of the configuration of WebSphere Application Server is done using the Administrative Console. To run the Administrative Console, the default server, e.g.server1, must be started as the Administrative Console is installed as a web application on this server.

To startserver1, the startServer.bat, located in the profiles/AppSvr01/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server installation, should be used:

<WEBSPHERE INSTALL DIR>/profiles/AppSvr01/bin/startServer server1

To open the Administrative Console, a web browser should be pointed at:


Alternatively, the Administrative Console can be started from Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server V7.0 > Profiles > AppSvr01 > Administrative console. The Start the server and Stop the server commands can also be used from this menu to start and stop the servers.

The first time the Administration Console is opened, a username will be requested for login. This username can be anything! The Administration Console is divided into two sections. The left hand side contains a tree hierarchy for navigating the console and the right hand side displays the information related to the current node selected in the tree. When instructed toNavigate to, the tree hierarchy should be traversed to the relevant node.