Pre-compiling JSPs

There is one additional target available during deployment, precompilejsp, which allows for the JSP s of a client EAR to be pre-compiled before installing the EAR file. Pre-compiling the JSP s before installation will speed up the display of a particular page in the web browser the first time it is accessed.

The options for the precompilejsp target are:

Figure 1. Example of Usage
        build precompilejsp -Dear.file=d:/Curam.ear
Note: While running the precompilejsp target for WebSphere Application Server, an out of memory exception may occur (or some JSPs may silently be ignored and not pre-compiled). To work around this the JspBatchCompiler.bat script in the %WAS_HOME%\bin directory should be modified to increase the maximum memory size. Change the memory consumption from-Xmx256m to at least-Xmx1024m.