Set up the Database Driver Provider


  1. Navigate to Resources > JDBC > JDBC providers;
  2. Note: The appropriate scope where the data source is to be defined should be selected at this point.
  3. Click New to add a new driver. This will open a configuration screen;
  4. Select DB2 from the list in the database type drop down supplied;
  5. Select the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider from the list in the Provider type drop down supplied;
  6. Select the XA data source from the list in the Implementation type drop down supplied;
  7. Click Next to continue;
  8. Review the properties on the configuration screen that opens. There should be no need to change any of them unless you are planning to connect to a zOS database. If so, verify that ${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH} field is pointing at the correct directory for your system. For example, it should point at the directory containing the DB2 Connect license jar, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar provided by IBM for zOS connectivity;
  9. Click Next and then Finish to confirm the changes.