Set up the Non-XA Database Driver DataSource


  1. Select theOracle JDBC Driver now displayed on the list of existing providers. This will open the configuration screen again;
  2. Select the Data sources link under Additional Properties;
  3. Click New to add a new data source;
  4. Set the fields as follows:

    Data source name :curamtimerdb

    JNDI Name :jdbc/curamtimerdb

    Click Next;

  5. Set the URL Value field to:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@//serverName:port/databaseServiceName, to connect to database using Oracle service name.


    jdbc:oracle:thin:@serverName:port:databaseName, to connect to database using Oracle SID name.


    serverName is the name of the server hosting the database.

    port is the port number the database is listening on.

    databaseName is the SID of the database.

    databaseServiceName is the service name of the database.

    Set the Data store helper class name to be Oracle 11g data store helper;

    Leave all other fields untouched unless a specific change is required and click Next;

    Note: Oracle recommends to use the URL format jdbc:oracle:thin:/@//serverName:port/databaseServiceName to connect to Oracle database using service name. But this URL format(extra '/' before the '@' in the URL) is not supported by WebSphere administrative console. So, the Oracle service name URL described above (without extra '/' before the '@' in the URL) should be used while configuring Oracle data source from admin console, to connect to Oracle database using service name.
  6. Set the Component-managed authentication alias drop down value to: <valid for database>;

    where the <valid for database> alias used is the one set up in Creating the Data Source Login Alias;

    Leave all other fields untouched unless a specific change is required and click Next;

  7. Click Finish to confirm the changes and continue.