Setup the Required Queue Activation Specifications

About this task

As with the setting up of queues, perform these steps, substituting <QueueName> (without the angle brackets) with each of the following queue names: DPEnactment, DPError, CuramDeadMessageQueue, WorkflowActivity, WorkflowEnactment and WorkflowError.


  1. Navigate to Resources > JMS > JMS providers;
  2. Select the Default messaging provider link;
  3. Select the Activation specifications link in the Additional Properties section;
  4. Create a new specification by clicking New and set the following fields:

    Name : <QueueName>

    JNDI name : eis/ <QueueName> AS

    Destination Type : Queue

    Destination JNDI name : jms/ <QueueName>

    Bus Name : CuramBus

    Authentication Alias : Same as for the jdbc/curamdb data source (e.g. <SERVERNAME> /dbadmin)

    Leave everything else as the default and click OK to add the port.


Save the changes to the master configuration as described in Save the Master Configuration.