Bootstrap properties

The file contains the machine-specific configuration properties for initially getting a connection to the database. Pay specific attention to the following elements:

  1. database properties:
    Table 1. z/OS for DB2-specific database properties
    Property Notes
    curam.db.type Value must be set to "zos".
    curam.db.zos.enableforeignkeys Set appropriately for your environment ("true" or "false").
    curam.db.zos.encoding Specifies whether the database being used on z/OS requires processing for EBCDIC, ASCII, or UNICODE. This should be set to "EBCDIC", "ASCII", or "UNICODE" depending on the appropriate database encoding in use. "EBCDIC" is the default value.
    curam.db.zos.dbname Value must the name of the DB2 for z/OS database.
    curam.db.zos.32ktablespace Value must the name of the DB2 for z/OS 32K tablespace.
    curam.db.username Value depends on the configuration of your z/OS system as described in DB2 for z/OS.
    curam.db.password Value depends on the configuration of your z/OS system as described in DB2 for z/OS. Since this is an encrypted password you must generate it by running the Ant encrypt target on any supported platform; e.g. cd $CURAMSDEJ/bin; ant encrypt -Dpassword=<The password for curam.db.username> Value is the DB2 for z/OS location name as described in DB2 for z/OS.
    curam.db.servername Value depends on the hostname (or IP address) of your DB2 for z/OS system.
    curam.db.serverport Value depends on the configuration of your DB2 for z/OS system.
  2. filesystem-dependent properties:
    Table 2. Properties dependent on the z/OS filesystem
    Property Notes
    curam.environment.bindings.location Value must reflect a valid directory in the target z/OS UNIX System Services filesystem.