Setup the Required Topic Activation Specifications


  1. As with the Queue Activation Specifications in the previous section, add a new Activation Specification and set the following fields:

    Name : CuramCacheInvalidationTopic

    JNDI name : eis/CuramCacheInvalidationTopicAS

    Destination Type : Topic

    Destination JNDI name : jms/CuramCacheInvalidationTopic

    Bus Name : CuramBus

    Authentication Alias : Same as for the jdbc/curamdb data source (e.g. <SERVERNAME> /dbadmin)

    Maximum batch size : 1

    Maximum concurrent endpoints : 10

  2. Leave everything else as the default and click the OK button to apply the changes.
  3. Save the changes to the master configuration as described in Save the Master Configuration.