
The Server Development Environment (SDEJ) of IBM® Cúram Social Program Management enables the development of high-quality, low-cost client server applications through model driven generation. This generation facilitates client-server development by taking a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model and producing the following:

The Cúram Solution Architecture document provides an introduction to the Cúram Generator and its outputs. While the fundamental elements of a server application are supplied by the Cúram Generator, certain custom coding and configuration tasks must be performed.

The Cúram Security Handbook document should be referenced for all aspects of security that must be considered when developing and deploying a Cúram enterprise application, e.g. authentication and authorization of users.

This document describes how to develop the custom code in Cúram server applications, and how to build the resultant applications. It is a reference guide that should be read by programmers wishing to develop custom code for Cúram server applications using the SDEJ. It is not intended as an introductory document, or as guide on how to deploy a Cúram application on an Application Server1(this is described in the Cúram Deployment Guide for the appropriate application server).

1 IBM WebSphere® Application Server and Oracle WebLogic are the supported application servers. For exact information on versions, please refer to the Cúram Supported Prerequisites document.