Customizing a Code Table File

Code table files are located in the /codetable directory of a component. The Social Program Management Platform is shipped with a set of code table files. These may be overridden by placing new code table files in the SERVER_DIR/components/<custom>/codetable directory, where <custom> is any new directory created under components that conforms to the same directory structure as components/core.

This mechanism avoids the need to make changes directly to the out-of-the-box application, which would complicate later upgrades. Typically code table files are customized to add new entries, localize descriptions or to add new locales.

This override process involves merging all code table files of the same name according to a precedence order. The order is based on the SERVER_COMPONENT_ORDER environment variable which contains a comma-separated list of component names: the left most has the highest priority, and the right most the lowest1

1 See Customizing a Message File, for further explanation of SERVER_COMPONENT_ORDER.