Error Reporting

One of the main steps performed by the client target is the generation of the JSP files from the UIM files. This process will check the validity of your UIM files as they are processed. The validity of the UIM files is determined in a number of steps:

  1. They must contain well-formed XML and must not attempt to include VIM files that do not exist.
  2. They must conform to the XML schema for UIM and to some additional context-sensitive rules that cannot be defined in the XML schema.
  3. They must refer only to externalized strings that exist in their associated properties files.
  4. They must meet a number of other requirements related to the connections made to the properties of server interfaces. For example, the property names must be unambiguous, or an address field must be the only field in a cluster.

Normally, the processing will stop when the first error occurs and the indicated problem must be fixed before the build can be executed again. However, for the errors detected in the second step, the schema and schema-related validation errors, there is an option to continue processing as far as possible after an error occurs to allow you to locate and fix more than one error at a time. Errors reported during the other steps will always stop the build immediately.

To allow multiple validation errors to be reported during a build, set the MULTIPLE_VALIDATION_ERRORS environment variable to true. If not set, the default value is false and the build will terminate after the first validation error occurs.

The number of errors reported is limited by the number of UIM files being validated at one time. The validation is typically performed on files in groups of one hundred, so this option will cause all of the validations errors in the current group to be reported before the build is terminated. No further groups will be processed after a group containing files with validation errors has been encountered.