External Client Applications

Due to the webclient directory containing a mix of components that are targeted for different EAR packaging, it can be difficult to use the single development environment and component order to develop and test these.

To allow for this a build targetexternal-client will allow for creation of an environment and building of the components specified for an EAR entry in the deployment_packaging.xml.

The target requires a parameter-Dapp which should refer to the name of an EAR entry within the deployment_packaging.xml.

Figure 1. external-client invocation
build external-client -Dapp=SamplePublicAccess

The build target will copy the components specified for this EAR entry to a webclient\build\apps\<app name> directory and here will both build the project and create the relevant Eclipse project configuration files to allow for the project directory to be imported into Eclipse and development-type testing to be performed on these external client applications.