
To install the Cúram CDEJ, follow the instructions contained in the Cúram Installation Guide. The installer will install the Cúram CDEJ and the Cúram Application project ready for further development and customization. The Cúram Application is divided into two major parts: the server application that defines the business entities and business logic of the application, and the web client application that defines how this information is presented to the user.

In this manual, the folders into which parts of the application and the infrastructure are installed will be referred to using placeholders, as the actual locations will vary depending on where they are installed and whether or not you are developing the Cúram Application, additional applications or samples.

The top-level application folder containing both the server application and the client application.
The folder containing the web client application. Typically this is a folder called webclient within the <app-dir> folder.
The folder containing the server application. Typically this is a folder called EJBServer within the <app-dir> folder.
The folder containing the Cúram CDEJ, the tools and infrastructure required to build and run web client applications. Typically this is a folder called CuramCDEJ.
The folder containing the Cúram SDEJ, the tools and infrastructure required to build and run server applications. Typically this is a folder called CuramSDEJ. More information on this folder can be found in the Cúram Server Developers Guide

For example, if you have installed the Cúram Application into the folder C:/Curam, then the <app-dir> placeholder refers to this folder, the <client-dir> placeholder refers to the C:/Curam/webclient folder, the <server-dir> refers to the C:/Curam/EJBServer folder, and the <cdej-dir> refers to the C:/Curam/CuramCDEJ folder.