Building & Configuring Dynamic UIM Pages

In order to display information, dynamic UIM pages need to be built and configured. For retrieving the information to populate display rule pages, the following generic facades are provided:

The input to viewDecisionDisplayRulesCategoryXML is

The additional input parameter to viewDecisionDisplayRuleCategorySubscreenXML is

Important: The categoryRef value that you have on the display category property file must match the categoryRef that you have specified for that display category as part of configuring the rules sets for the product (see Rules Configuration).

The data returned by the above facades is in XML, which must be parsed by XPath expressions in order to access the data to populate the fields on the page. An example of an XPath expression is show below:



The above example of an XPath expression shown inside a snippet of dynamic UIM would display the text associated with the property Field.Value.ClientIsNotEligible if the client was not eligible.

Note: One general point that is worth making as regards display rule design is that the complexity of the rule class interactions has a direct bearing on the resultant display data XML which is stored. A complex tree of rule classes can give rise to a deeply nested set of XML elements. This complexity should be borne in mind when trying to balance the modularity of the display rule classes against the complexity of the XPath-like syntax present in the dynamic UIM files.