Extending the ActiveSuccessionSet Rule Class

The ActiveSuccessionSet Rule Class must be extended to include rules attributes that exactly match the attributes for the Simple Product Evidence. The following attributes must be added to the class which extends ActiveSuccessionSet:

Table 1. Attributes for ActiveSuccessionSet Rule Class
Attribute Description
startDate This date value represents the start date of the evidence in a succession set.
endDate This date value represents the end date of the evidence in a succession set.
eligibleInd This Boolean attribute is defined as a timeline of Booleans and is used to derive the eligibility period for the claimant in conjunction with the start and end date (see Deriving the Eligibility and Entitlement Timelines ).
amount This number attribute is defined as a timeline of Numbers and is used to calculate the entitlement amount for the case over eligible periods. This amount can change during an eligibility period, i.e., it does not have to be the same from the start to the end date, but can vary along the timeline of the succession set record.

The ActiveSuccessionSet rule class also requires a SuccessionSetPopulation annotation which is used to indicate the lifetime of a piece of evidence. For the simple product, the start and end date values mark off the start and end dates of the succession set:
