
Eligibility and entitlement results are the core data calculated by the Engine and underpin how the case is treated by financial processing. The Engine contains features to calculate additional "explanation" results (see Calculating and Displaying Key Decision Factors and Calculating and Displaying Decision Details), but it is critical to understand how the core eligibility and entitlement results are calculated by the system and displayed to the user.

This chapter describes the flow of processing that allows eligibility and entitlement data to be displayed to the user. The processing is intentionally described in reverse-chronological order; firstly we describe the end results, followed by the Engine processing that produces those results, before finally describing how the data was calculated.

This "backwards" perspective will echo how your rules designers will need to think when designing your product; they will need to start with the end in mind (namely how case workers and financial processing will use the eligibility and entitlement results to perform subsequent work on the case).

This chapter is structured as follows: