Bulk Reassessment for Multiple Simultaneous Changes

It is possible for one business change to require technical changes to a number of system-wide data artefacts. For example, a change in legislation may involve all of:

There are separate publication mechanisms for products, CER rule sets, data configurations and rates, and so changes to different types of system-wide data cannot be published in a single action. However, when bulk reassessment is run, each case affected will be identified only once and the reassessment of each case will take into account all the system-wide changes that have occurred since the case was last assessed.

As such, when you prepare to publish a number of system-wide data changes (whether those changes are inter-related or not), you should consider carefully when bulk reassessment should be run. Depending on your business needs, you might want to run bulk reassessment after each publication or instead hold off until a number of publications have occurred.

Note: When a case is reassessed by the Dependency Manager batch suite, the system chooses a "reassessment reason" for any new determinations that are stored. Each determination can only show a single reassessment reason, so in the situation where there are multiple system-wide changes published which each affect a case, only one related reason will show on that case.

If the case is reassessed using your own top-down algorithm, then that algorithm is responsible for specifying an appropriate reason to store on any new determinations.