XML Reference

This section provides a reference to the underlying XML representation of legislationChange.

Each legislationChange instance contains:

The following XML implements the logic described in Example.

Note: For brevity and clarity, the cut-off rates are "hard-coded" into this example.

A production-quality rule set would instead externalize these rates using Cúram's rate tables. See rate for further details.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RuleSet name="Example_legislationChange"

  <!-- Rule class for a person on a case.  -->
  <Class name="Person">

    <!-- The pre-tax income for this person. -->
    <Attribute name="preTaxIncomeTimeline">
        <javaclass name="curam.creole.value.Timeline">
          <javaclass name="Number"/>

    <!-- The pre-tax income for this person. -->
    <Attribute name="postTaxIncomeTimeline">
        <javaclass name="curam.creole.value.Timeline">
          <javaclass name="Number"/>

    <!-- Eligible if "low-waged", where the definition of
         "low-waged" varies as changes in legislation are
         enacted. -->
    <Attribute name="isEligibleTimeline">
        <javaclass name="curam.creole.value.Timeline">
          <javaclass name="Boolean"/>
          <!-- The type of the timeline returned is a timeline of
               Boolean values. -->
            <javaclass name="Boolean"/>

          <!-- Initial legislation era. -->
                <!-- Low-waged if pre-tax income is below
                     20,000. -->
                <compare comparison="&lt;">
                    <reference attribute="preTaxIncomeTimeline"/>
                  <Number value="20000"/>

          <!-- A change in legislation, effective from 1st January
               2001, -->
              <Date value="2001-01-01"/>
                <!-- Low-waged if post-tax income is below
                     15,000. -->
                <compare comparison="&lt;">
                    <reference attribute="postTaxIncomeTimeline"/>
                  <Number value="15000"/>

          <!-- Another change in legislation, effective from 1st
               January 2002. -->
              <Date value="2002-01-01"/>
                <!-- Low-waged if pre-tax income is below 22,000 OR
                     post-tax income is below 16,000. -->
                      <javaclass name="Boolean"/>
                      <compare comparison="&lt;">
                        <Number value="22000"/>
                      <compare comparison="&lt;">
                        <Number value="16000"/>


