
The converter and propagator share a common set of configuration data, and accept configurations which adhere to the following structure:

Configurations are cumulative, i.e. there may be many configurations of type "ROPT2003", and if an entity is present in any of those configurations then the entity will be converted and propagated; otherwise, the entity will be ignored.

Note: Any database tables which are on the "exclude" list (see Propagation Processing) cannot be propagated (and will be ignored).
Tip: You are free to create your own rule classes to match database entities whose data you require in CER rules. However, you should first check whether existing rule classes are already suitable for your needs - while it is possible to convert each database row to many different rule classes, this flexibility comes with a potential maintenance cost for your rule sets.

In particular, the application includes configurations to convert and propagate data which is particularly often used in eligibility/entitlement processing to rule classes included with the Engine in these rule sets:

You should consider reusing these rule classes when creating your own rule sets, in order to avoid maintenance overhead for your rule sets.

When you create your own rule classes for propagated data, it is recommended that you:

If you require to map all rows from a database table to one rule class, but only the non-canceled rows to a different rule class, then you should create separate table elements which name the same database table, but only specify the canceledValue and statusColumn attributes on one of the table elements. Similarly, if you require different filters for different rule classes, create separate table elements which name the same database table.

The following types of configuration problems will be detected by the Entity Rule Object Converter/Propagator processing:

Any configuration problems detected will be processed according to Data Configuration Problems.