
Cúram eligibility and entitlement processing relies on CER to calculate determination results based on details of the case, evidence recorded against the case and stand-alone data such as personal details and rates. CER is able to access such data via the use of rule object converters, which are responsible for retrieving data from business tables and converting that data into rule objects that can be used by CER.

Cúram's eligibility and entitlement processing also relies on the Dependency Manager to track the data that a determination result depends on, and for the Dependency Manager to request a reassessment whenever such data changes. The Engine contains a number of rule object propagators which are responsible for listening for changes in data which could affect calculations, and for informing the Dependency Manager that such data has changed.

Typically, for each type of data that is used in determination calculations, there is a corresponding converter and propagator pair which complement each other; the converter retrieves data of that type when requested by CER calculations while the propagator listens for changes to that data of that type.

For some of these converter/propagator pairs, there are configuration options to set exactly which business data will be converted/propagated; and where there are such configuration options, both the converter and the propagator use the same underlying configuration data.

This chapter describes in details how the rule object converters and propagators work and how you can configure them for your business needs.