
The DefaultEvidenceSummary Rule Class has the following Attributes corresponding to the different elements of Summary Information.
Table 1. DefaultEvidenceSummary Attributes
Rule Attribute Type Value
startDate Date null
endDate Date null
isStartDateAvailable Boolean true
isEndDateAvailable Boolean true
summary String null
participantDetails String null
The idea behind defining these Attributes in the DefaultEvidenceSummary Rule Class is twofold:

Authoring a Summary Rule Set thus involves re-defining (overriding in Object-Oriented terminology) only those Attributes whose values should be different from those defined in DefaultEvidenceSummary.

The values from the startDate and endDate Attributes are used in the "Period" column of the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page only if isStartDateAvailable and isEndDateAvailable have a value of true . Otherwise, the Business Start Date and Business End Date options defined in the Modeling section is used to calculate the Evidence Workspace "Period" column. As such, if the intention is not to set startDate and endDate as part of a Summary Information Rule Set, then the Rule Set should s et isStartDateAvailable and isEndDateAvailable to false.

Typically, the logic to derive different elements of Summary Information is based on the data from the corresponding Case Evidence instance. This is why the contract for Summary Rule Sets specify that they should have an Attribute named "evidence" -this Attribute is populated with data from the corresponding Case Evidence instance whenever the Rule Set is invoked.

Dynamic Evidence Administration provides support for authoring Summary Rule Sets by generating a "starter" Rule Set, if the Summary Information Rule Set specified does not exist already. The following sections talk about the process of authoring a Summary Rule Set by using such a "starter" Rule Set, or by reusing an existing Summary Rule Set.

Using a Starter Rule Set

If the Summary Rule Set specified for a Dynamic Evidence Type Version does not exist, a "starter" Rule Set with the given name is generated. The generated starter Rule Set will have a class called "SummaryInformation" with the base Rule Class and the "evidence" Attribute mentioned in the previous section. This Rule Set will be associated with the Dynamic Evidence Summary Information category.

The Rule Set should be further edited by the administrator to define an Attribute corresponding to each element of Summary Information for which the value defined in DefaultEvidenceSummary should be overridden. When the Dynamic Evidence Type Version is activated, the Summary Rule Set is also activated.

Using an Existing Rule Set

Sometimes, an existing Rule Set is specified as the Rule Set to be used for Summary Information. Typically, this happens when a new Dynamic Evidence Type Version is created and the previous Dynamic Evidence Type Version already had a Rule Set specified for Summary Information.

In this case, the existing Rule Set is not modified automatically. This Rule Set needs to be modified only if the logic to compute the Summary elements needs to change. A point to note is that if an existing Summary Rule Set is modified, the changes will be visible to all the Dynamic Evidence Type Versions which have been using this Rule Set. So, if the changes to the Summary Information derivation is required for only the new Dynamic Evidence Type Version, a new Summary Rule Set should be used instead of modifying an existing Rule Set.