Associating the Dynamic Evidence Type with a Case Type

It is possible that you already have at least one Case Type registered on your system with which you could associate your new Dynamic Evidence Type, but this example assumes that you want to create a new Case Type from scratch.

Note: It is Dynamic Evidence Types, not the finer-grained Dynamic Evidence Type Versions, which are associated with Case Types. If a Dynamic Evidence Type has more than one Version, then all of the Versions are effectively associated with the Case Type; in this respect, the evolution of a Dynamic Evidence Type is linked to the evolution of any Case Types with which it is associated.

To create a new Case Type, in this example an Integrated Case Type, perform the following:

This will open up the 'Sample Integrated Case' homepage. Finally, to associate our Sample Income Dynamic Evidence Type with our new Integrated Case Type, perform the following:

At this point, we have done all of the necessary administration, and all that remains is to test our new Dynamic Evidence Type by creating Case Evidence in respect of it as a case worker. This is accomplished in the final step in this simple example.