
Step 1: Login to the Cúram Administration Application.

Step 2: Open the Rules And Evidence section in the Shortcuts Panel in the Administration Workspace.

Step 3: Click on the Cúram Express Rule Sets link to open the rule sets list page.

Step 4: Use the New option in the tab actions menu to create the new rule set. Give it a name and choose categories if appropriate.

Step 5: Find your new rule set in the list, and from the list row menu choose the Continue Editing menu item. This will open a new tab containing the rules editor.

Step 6: Select the Technical tab in the panel on the left hand side.

Step 7: Use the Class button on the panel to create a new class called Person.

Step 8: Select the Person class and use the Attribute button on the tab to create a new attribute called roleID . In the properties panel for this attribute, edit it's type. Select Java Class in the dialog which pops up; enter Long as the name and click Save.

Step 9: Use the Rule Class menu item from the New menu to create a new class called BasicLiteracy. In the properties panel for class, click on the Edit link for the Extends field. Use the Change link to change the rule set to be AssessmentRulesInterface and click Save, then choose AbstractFactor as the class name and click Save.

Step 10: Create a new attribute in the BasicLiteracy class called person, and set it's type to be the Rule Class called Person.

Step 11: Double click on the person attribute to open it's diagram. From the list of palettes on the right of the editor, choose the Technical palette. Drag a Search element from the palette onto the person element on the diagram. Select the Edit Search action from the dropdown menu on the Empty Search icon. Choose Person as the Rule Class and click Save. In the properties panel, click on the Technical tab and select the Single Item option.

Step 12: Select the New Match option in the dropdown menu for the Search element.

Step 13: Create another attribute in the BasicLiteracy class called roleID. Set it's type to be a Java Class called Long, as with the roleID of the Person.

Step 14: Choose roleID as the attribute and click Save . From the dropdown menu for the empty reference, choose the Edit Reference option. In the dialog which pops up select BasicLiteracy as the rule class and choose roleID from the list and click Save.

Step 15: Create a new attribute in the BasicLiteracy class called reference and set it's type to be String. Double click on the attribute to open it's diagram. From the list of palettes on the right of the editor, choose the Data Types palette. Drag a String element from the palette onto the reference element on the diagram. In the properties panel for the String element, enter BASICLITERACY as the value.

Step 16: Create another attribute in the BasicLiteracy class called classification. Set its type to be a Code Table Entry from the table ClassDivisionType.

Step 17: Create a new Rule Class called FactorList. Using the same steps as before set this class to extend from the AbstractFactorList class in the AssessmentRulesInterface rule set.

Step 18: Create a new attribute in the FactorsList class called factors. When setting it's type, choose the List option and click Next. Click the Change link for the rule set and choose AssessmentRulesInterface from the drop-down, click Save. Choose AbstractFactor from the list of rule classes and click Save.

Step 19: Double click on the factors attribute to open it's diagram. Drag a Fixed List element from the Technical Logic palette onto the factors element on the diagram. In the dialog which pops up, choose Rule Class as the list type. Click the Change link for the rule set, choose AssessmentRulesInterface and click Save . Choose AbstractFactor as the class and click Save.

Step 20: From the Technical Logic palette, drag a Create element onto the Empty Member element on the diagram. In the dialog which pops up, choose BasicLiteracy as the type and click Save . Delete any parameters within the Create element by selecting the Delete option from the dropdown menu.

Step 21: Create another attribute in the BasicLiteracy class called score of type String. Double click on the attribute to open it's diagram.

Step 22: From the list of palettes on the right of the editor, choose the Business palette. Drag a Choose element onto the score element. Choose String as the type and click Save . Drag a Rule element onto the Empty Condition of the When. In the dialog which pops up, choose the person rule and click Next . Create a new rule called canReadOrWrite and click Next. Choose Boolean as the type and click Save. From the Data Types palette, drag a String element onto the empty value for the result of the When and enter 1 as it's value. Drag another String element onto the empty value for the Otherwise element and enter 0 as it's value.

Step 23: Save your rule set and close the tab containing the rules editor (you may choose to validate your rule set to ensure that you have followed the steps correctly).

Step 24: On the Cúram Express Rule Sets page, use the Publish menu item in the tab menu to publish the new rule set.

Step 25: Use the Shortcuts Panel to open the Intelligent Evidence Gathering section.

Step 26: Click on the Datastore Schemas link and use the New menu option from the page opened to add a new schema.

Step 27: Click on the Scripts link in the Shortcuts Panel to open the IEG scripts list page. Click on the New link to create a new IEG script for your assessment.

Step 28: From the IEG scripts page, select the Edit menu item from the list row actions menu for the newly created script. Select the datastore created in step 25 from the drop down of datastores and click on the Open Editor button to start editing the IEG script.

Step 29: Set the following IEG fields to the values in the table below:

Table 1. IEG Field Settings
IEG Field Value
Quit Page AssessmentScript_exit
Finish Page AssessmentDelivery_executeAssessment
Config Properties assessment-ieg-config

If you are dealing with a single page assessment (as is the case here), uncheck the Show Progress Bar and Show Sections checkboxes.

Step 29: Click on the Datastore Editor tab in the IEG Editor.

Step 30: Add the IEG domains by clicking on the Includes link, select the Include Schema button and select IEGDomains from the dropdown presented.

Step 31: Add the assessment entities by selecting the Add Entities button. You will need to add a minimum of two entities; Application and Person. These entities must be added for all IEG scripts used by outcome management assessments.

Step 32: Make the Person entity a child of the Application entity by selecting the Application entity, right clicking and select Add Child Entity . Select the Person entity from the dropdown.

Step 33: Add the following attributes to the Person entity by selecting the Person entity, right clicking and selecting Add Attribute :

Table 2. Person Attributes
Name Type
personID SVR_KEY
firstName IEG_STRING
dateOfBirth IEG_DATE
roleID IEG_INT64
participantID IEG_INT64
questionsApplicableInd IEG_BOOLEAN

These attributes must be added for all IEG scripts used with outcome management assessments.

Step 34: Add the assessment specific entities and attributes, i.e. the attributes required to capture the data entered for your assessment. In this case, we want to capture whether or not the client has basic literacy skills. As this is related to the client, we need to add a canReadOrWrite attribute of type IEG_BOOLEAN to the Person entity. The title of this attribute must be the same as the title of the same attribute added to the Person rule class in the CER editor in step 21. Don't forget to save the schema document using the menu item provided by the IEG editor.

Step 35: Set up the IEG script by adding a new section. As this is a one question one page script, there is no need to add a page as one is automatically created for the section. Set the title of this page to New Assessment (when running the assessment in outcome management this will mean that the series of screens used for this purpose have a common title). Set the Person entity as the entity to be used with this page. Add the question and set the question attribute to canReadOrWrite as below. Save the script and close the IEG editor.

Step 36: Use the Shortcuts Panel to open the Outcome Management section. Click on the CER Assessments Configuration link in this section to open the list of CER assessment configurations.

Step 37: Click on the New link and populate the dialog that is opened with the appropriate information, i.e. the name of the script, datastore and rule set that were added earlier. As we are using scoring to determine the classification, click on the Scoring checkbox.

Step 38: Return to the Outcome Management section in the Shortcuts Panel . Click on the Assessment Definitions link to open the list of assessment definitions.

Step 39: Click on the New action. Enter the name of your assessment and select the assessment configuration created earlier. Select the appropriate categories, in this case Barrier.

Step 40: Click on the name of the assessment you have just entered in the assessment definition list to open a tab for the assessment. Click on the Roles navigation tab and select the New action to add the assessment role. Enter the name of the role, check the Mandatory and Questions Applicable checkboxes.

Step 41: Open to the Categories navigation tab. Use the Add Classification menu item from the page actions menu to add two classifications, Strength and Need , for the Barrier category.

Step 42: Open the Factors tab and use the New page menu item to add a new factor. Make sure that you enter BASICLITERACY in the Reference field (the same value as entered for the reference attribute in the BasicLiteracy CER rule class specified in step 13). This is required to map the BasicLiteracy CER rule class to the assessment factor. Click on the name link of the factor entered to open a tab representing the factor.

Step 43: Click on the Classifications navigation tab and use the Edit menu item in the list dropdown menu to set the appropriate range for both of the classifications. In this simple example, the range for the strength classification that equates to an answer of yes to the question regarding basic literacy, is set to from 1 to 1 (a value of 1 is returned from the rules in response to an answer of yes to the question). Similarly, the range for the need classification is set to from 0 to 0 as a value of 0 is returned in response to an answer of no to the question.

Step 44: Return to the Outcome Management section in the Shortcuts Panel . Click on the Outcome Plans link and select the New action from the page opened. Enter the name of the outcome plan, in this case Back To Work, and save the changes.

Step 45: Return to the assessment definition tab opened earlier in step 40. Click on the Cases navigation tab and select the Add page link. Select the outcome plan added in the previous step from the list presented. Your assessment is now available to be used from within outcome plans of this type.