Chapters in this Guide

The following list describes the chapters within this guide:

Configuring Triage
This chapter describes the configuration options for the triage script, triage rule set and triage results page.
Configuring Service Areas and PDF Forms
This chapter describes how to configure the service areas which can then be associated with a local office which allows a citizen to identify where they can send applications. The forms that a citizen can use to apply for programs is also included.
Configuring Programs
This chapter describes how to configure programs that can be applied for within applications and screenings. This includes the offices where the program can be applied for the mappings between data captured during an application for a program and associated evidence tables.
Configuring Screenings
This chapter describes how to configure screenings. This includes the programs which can be screened for within a particular screening.
Configuring Applications
This chapter describes how to configure applications. This includes the programs which can be applied for within a particular application.
Configuring Online Categories
This chapter describes how to configure online categories. This includes associating applications and screenings with a particular category.
Configuring the Citizen Account
This chapter describes the configuration options of the citizen account. This includes the configurable elements of the citizen account home page and the contact information tab.
Configuring Life Events
This chapter describes how to configure life events. This includes the creation of categories and the association of life events with categories.
Configuring Multifactor Authentication
This chapter describes how to configure factors which can be used to authenticate users of UA.
Configuring Languages
This chapter describes how to configure the languages that UA is available in.
Configuring Remote Systems
This chapter describes how to configure the remote systems. Remote systems can then be specified for a program or a life event and indicates the external systems which will process the data submitted by a citizen or case worker when applying for a program or submitting a life event.
Configuring Motivations
This chapter describes how to configure the motivations. This includes the configuration of the result page displayed after running a motivation.