Configuring Metadata for Attachments

When documents associated with attachments are created within the application and stored in the content management system, metadata information about the document can also be stored. This includes attachment documents associated with recorded communications and Microsoft Word communications.

The metadata information that can be stored about the document depends upon the context in which the attachment was created, for example, if an attachment is created in the context of a case, information about the case in which the attachment was created can be stored with the document; however, if the attachment is created in the context of a participant, no case information can be stored, but participant information may be stored instead.

If information about a document, such as the document receipt date, is subsequently modified in the application, the related metadata information may also be updated. Whether or not an update can be made to a particular metadata element will again depend upon the specific context that resulted in an update to the attachment.

The application can be configured to store a number of pre-defined metadata elements with the attachment document. By default, each metadata element is enabled, and can be individually disabled so that the information will not be stored along with the document in the content management system.

Enabling or disabling a metadata element will not affect any metadata that was previously stored in the content management system. Any changes to the OOTB metadata configuration will only come into effect when future attachments are created or when existing attachments are updated by either preventing metadata elements from being stored or allowing additional metadata elements to be stored, depending on the configuration setting.

Each metadata element has a display name and a description that are displayed to the administrator. Multiple display names and descriptions can be created for each metadata element to provide multi-language support and the existing descriptions and display names can be modified if required.

The following metadata elements are available for documents categorized as attachments, including attachments associated with recorded communications and Microsoft Word communications:

Table 1. Metadata Elements.

This table shows the metadata elements available for attachments.

Metadata Element


Case Reference The case reference number
Participant Reference The participant reference number
Participant First Name The first name of a person or a prospect person
Participant Last Name The last name of a person or a prospect person
Participant Date of Birth The date of birth of a person or a prospect person
Document Type The type of document
Document Type Code The code for the document type
Document Receipt Date The date on which the document was received
Communication Date The communication date for attachments associated with recorded communications

An organization may also choose to implement additional metadata elements to meet their business requirements. For more information on how additional metadata elements are supported, see the Cúram Content Management Interoperability Services Integration Guide.