Modifying Active Evidence

Modifying a currently active evidence record results in the creation of a new "In Edit" evidence record. From the perspective of the Cúram Verification engine, the creation of a new "In Edit" record in this manner is identical to the creation of a new "In Edit" record when evidence is first added. The verification information that is recorded for the new "In Edit" record is independent of the information recorded for the "Active" record, as in effect a new piece of data is being recorded.

However, the re-verification mode defined for a verification requirement determines whether or not verification information from the previously active evidence record is copied forward to the newly created "In Edit" record. The three re-verification modes are: "Reverify Always", "Reverify If Changed", and "Never Reverify". These re-verification modes are described in full in Verification Requirements. They do not apply to modifications made to active participant evidence.

If information is copied forward to the "In Edit" record, the new verification information for this record is maintained separately from any verification that was associated with the previous "Active" evidence record. In other words, no link exists between the previous verification information and new verification information.