Modifying "In Edit" Evidence

The impact of modifying "In Edit" evidence that requires verification depends on whether or not the verification items have been provided. If no verification items have been provided, then no verification processing is necessary. For example, the "In Edit" evidence for a person's date of birth may require verification. However, if the caseworker has not provided a verification item (e.g., a birth certificate), modifying this evidence does not trigger verification processing.

If the caseworker has provided a verification item for the "In Edit" evidence, an informational message is returned to the caseworker. The informational message lists each verifiable data item that has been impacted by the modification of the evidence. For example, the message might say: The changes that you have made may affect the verification information recorded for the following item(s): Date of Birth. Please review this verification information. In this example, the text "Date of Birth" refers to the name of the verifiable data item.

If verification has been provided, then the Cúram Verification engine raises a workflow event for every verification requirement that contains a Value Changed workflow event, as defined in the administration component. Note that this event occurs regardless of whether or not the data actually meets any or all verification requirements. The Value Changed event is only raised once for each verification requirement.