Case Management

HCR applications are ultimately turned into insurance affordability integrated cases. Income Support applications ultimately turn into Income Support integrated cases. Each case has its own evidence set to represent what has been entered as part of the application/intake process. This integration is available through the person record. It takes two main forms:

  1. The Person tab for any of the people involved displays a list of the all cases related to that person.
  2. Person evidence from both integrated cases is shared with the person evidence area of the participant manager. Person evidence can be seen by clicking on the Evidence tab within the Person tab.

Person evidence does not have the Cúram concept of 'in edit' or incoming states for evidence. This means that all evidence brokered from cases as person evidence is automatically accepted.

As well as the possibility of being brokered from cases to person evidence, evidence can also be brokered from person evidence to any open cases for the person. If the evidence change originated on a case, when it is brokered as person evidence it is only sent to other cases and not the case on which the change originated. So, for example, if a caseworker adds phone number evidence for a given person on an Income Support integrated case, this is brokered to that person's evidence in the participant manager and then on to the Insurance Affordability integrated case if one exists for that person. When the evidence is brokered on to the integrated case, it appears as incoming evidence so that a caseworker can choose whether to accept it or not.