HCR Eligibility Results

Screening for other programs is performed as part of the eligibility determination for HCR, and displayed in the 'Other Government Services' section of the results page. As a result of integration, the 'Apply Online' functionality has been enabled for some of the programs; for example, food assistance and cash assistance.

Applying Online begins the application process for one of the Income Support programs - an individual is taken into the program selection screens as part of the Universal Access intake process, the difference is that this is done within the eligibility results page. When the application intake process is finished, the user is returned to the HCR eligibility results page with the status of the relevant programs updated.

Mapping functionality has been added which transfers information from the datastore used by the HCR application script to the one used by the Income Support application script when a user chooses to apply for one of the Income Support programs from the HCR results page. A generic mapper transfers data items with the same name.