
The Medically Needy are those individuals or families whose income is within the Medically Needy Income Level and whose resources fall within the specified limits of the Medically Needy Program. The Children's Medically Needy coverage type provides limited health coverage to children under the age of 19 who do not qualify for regular Medical Assistance because their family income or financial resources are too high.

Medically needy children must satisfy the following rules:

  1. Child must satisfy the Non Financial Requirements AND
  2. Child must meet the Age Limit for a Child rules and caretaker relative rules (see Common Rules - Dependent Child chapter) AND
  3. Child is not an SSI Recipient AND
  4. Child is not receiving Federal, State or Local government Foster Care payments AND
  5. Child is not receiving Federal, State or Local government Adoption Assistance payments AND
  6. Household must satisfy the Medically Needy Resource Test AND
  7. Household satisfy the Medically Needy Income Test.