Submitting an Application

An application may be submitted or sent to the agency upon completion of the intake script or optionally upon exiting a script before it has been completed. An intake application can be configured such than an agency can dictate whether an application script can be submitted before it has been completed or not.

If the citizen chooses to send an application to the agency (by exiting or completing a script), the screen displayed depends upon whether the citizen is already logged in and a property which dictates whether a citizen must either create or login to an account before submitting the application. If the citizen has already logged in, UA does not prompt the citizen to log in or create an account. However, if the citizen is not logged in, UA will encourage the citizen to either log in or create a new account. If the property is enabled, the citizen must log in to an existing account or create a new account before the application can be sent to the agency.

If the citizen does not need to identify themselves to the system, and is allowed to send the application to the agency without logging in or creating an account, then an option can be configured to allow the client to do so. This option will not be configured if the citizen is required to create an account or login to an existing account.

If the citizen has logged in to an existing account before sending the application to the agency, the system can determine if the citizen already has an in progress application of the same type or has previously submitted applications for the same programs that are still pending disposition (awaiting a decision by the agency). In the case of the former, then a page is displayed presenting the citizen with the opportunity to send the new application to the agency or alternatively to keep the saved application, thus discarding the new application.

If the citizen has previously submitted applications for the same programs, the system determines if the citizen can still submit any of the programs to the agency for processing. Programs can be configured to allow multiple applications to be submitted for the program at any one given time, e.g. a citizen may want to submit a new application for cash assistance for a different household unit than a previous application that they may have submitted that is still being processed by the agency.

This screen alerts the citizen to the fact that whilst application may still be sent to the agency, it cannot be submitted for all of the programs for which the citizen wants to apply. The citizen has three options; continue to submit the application for the programs which the citizen is allowed to apply, save or delete the application.

In order to submit an application to the agency, a submission script must be specified for the application in UA administration. This is required because applications require additional information, which does not form part of the application, to be captured before they can be submitted. For example, a TANF application typically requires information regarding the citizen's ability to attend an interview. This information would not be appropriate for another type of application that does not require an interview to be conducted, e.g. Unemployment Insurance. Electronic signatures are another example of the type of information that would typically be captured using a submission script. This data may not be captured as part of the script, as potentially the citizen can submit before completing the script.

The processing that is undertaken upon completion of the submission script depends upon the configuration of the programs for which the citizen is applying. Program eligibility can be configured such that it may be determined using a Cúram system or a remote system. If Cúram is specified as the eligibility system, an application case creation process is invoked. The application case creation process includes a search and match capability which attempts to match clients on a new application to registered persons on the system based on configured search criteria. Once search and match has been completed, one or more application cases are created - multiple application cases are created if the programs being applied for are configured for different application case types. The application date on the application case(s) is set to today's date if the application was submitted within the business hours of the root location for the organization. If the application is submitted outside of the business hours of the organization, the application date is set to the next business date.

The data entered for the application may be mapped to case evidence tables. The mappings are configured for a particular program using the Cúram Data Mapping Editor. A mapping configuration must be specified for a program in order for the appropriate evidence entities to be created and populated in response to an online application submission. For more information on defining mappings for a program see the Cúram Data Mapping Editor Guide.

When the application case has been created, the programs requested by the client are associated with the relevant application case. Some organizations may impose time limits within which an application for a program must be processed - a number of timer configuration options are available for a particular program. These timers are set when a program is associated with an application case. For more information on application case processing see the Cúram Intake Guide.

If the eligibility is being determined by a remote system, configurations are provided to allow a web service to be invoked on a remote(non-Cúram) system. For more information on configuring remote systems see the Cúram Universal Access Configuration Guide.

The submission confirmation page is displayed upon successful submission of an application to the agency. This page informs the citizen of the reference number associated with the submitted application. Citizens can use this reference number in any further correspondence with the agency with regard to the application.

The citizen may also open and print a PDF. The actual PDF that is opened depends upon the configuration of the intake application. The application can be configured to use a PDF designed specifically by the agency to be used in conjunction with the intake application, or if no PDF form has been specified a generated generic PDF can be used. If an agency designed form is specified, this form is opened when the citizen clicks the PDF link. The data entered during the online application will be copied to the PDF form for each of the programs, for which the citizen is applying, that have associated mapping configurations of type PDF Form Creation. If a mapping configuration has not been associated with a program, the information entered during the online application for that program will not be copied to the PDF form. If a PDF form is not specified, a generic generated form is opened instead. This form contains a copy of the information entered by the citizen whilst completing the online application. For more information on the configuration of the generated form, see Appendix C of the Cúram Universal Access Configuration Guide.

The agency can define additional information to be displayed on this page. This is typically information that may be required by the citizen in order to help the agency process the application in a timely and effective manner for both the agency and citizen, for example, proof of identity. This information is configurable for each type of application.