Screening Types

Two types of screening are supported by UA – filtered screening and eligibility screening. Filtered screening is used to reduce the number of programs for which a citizen may want to screen. For example, a particular type of screening may screen for 50 programs. However, there are some basic questions (e.g., are you married, are you pregnant), gathered using an IEG script, that can be used to quickly identify programs for which a citizen is unlikely to be eligible.

Eligibility screening typically involves collecting answers to several more detailed questions (using an IEG script), so the set of guided questions is longer. Typical questions defined in the script relate to a person's resources (savings, stocks, bonds, and so on) or household circumstances. By performing filtered screening first, a citizen can avoid answering such questions. That is, they can be informed of the programs for which completing full eligibility screening is likely to be most beneficial.

The results of filtered and eligibility screening – the programs for which a citizen might be eligible – are generated by running screening rules against the answers to the various questions. The citizen is then presented with the option of submitting an application for these programs. However, they can submit an application directly, without having to undertake screening first.

UA supports both anonymous and authenticated screening. Authenticated citizens (citizens who have created an account) may choose to save a particular screening session. This screening may be resumed at a later time.