Configuring Relationship Pages

It is possible to configure all the standard texts on relationship pages, using the properties listed below:

Table 1. Relationship Page Configuration Properties
Property Description
relationship.capture.item.1 The first item to appear in the relationship. Set to the 'from' or subject person.
relationship.capture.item.2 The second item to appear in the relationship. Set to be the input control.
relationship.capture.item.3 The third item to appear in the relationship. Set to the 'to' or object person. The domain to use to populate the input control for a relationship.
relationship.from.label The text to display for the heading of the subject column in a relationship summary list.
relationship.type.label The text to display for the heading of the type column in a relationship summary list. The text to display for the heading of the object column in a relationship summary list.
relationship.action.label The text to display for the heading of the action column in a relationship summary list.
relationship.dropdown.message The title attribute of the dropdown list for relationship questions.