Datastore Schema Generation in the Migration Process

Each question group will be used to add an entity in the Datastore schema, the question group ID becoming the entity name (except if the group ID contains a '$', in which case it will be replaced by a '_'). As a consequence, each page in the new script is associated with its own entity.

If the original group references RDOs, one entity per RDO is added to the schema, using the RDO name as the entity name and the data items as the attributes.

All the questions in a particular group become the attributes of the page entity. The data type will be copied from the original question definition. If a root domain was used (for example SVR_BOOLEAN), the corresponding IEG domain will be used (IEG_BOOLEAN). If the domain is not a root domain (for example MyApp_BOOLEAN), the corresponding IEG domain will be used, and a warning will be logged as the original domain may have to be manually redefined in the domains schema. In the case of a code table, a warning will be logged as well as it needs to be added to the domains schema.