
Table 1. Ieg-script Attributes
Name Description
config-properties this attribute allows you to specify a properties file to use for modifying the text and style used for various components in the IEG Player.
fast-path when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Engine that Fast Path navigation should be switched on for all script elements on which it applies. If not specified, this attribute will be set to false by default. See the Fast Path section of the Working with IEG guide for more details on Fast Path.
finish-page the id of the UIM page to which the user will be taken when there are no more pages left to display in the script (i.e. when the user clicks on the Next button on the last page in the script).
hide-for-control-question when set to true, the label and value of questions that control for loops will be hidden once the loop it controls has been entered. If not specified, it will default to false and the question value will be read-only.
highlight-validation when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that the mandatory or domain validation errors displayed at the top will also be repeated next to the failing question. If not specified, the value will be taken from the script configuration properties (using the key validation.highlight), and if not present, it will default to false. If two questions on the page have the same label (not recommended) and one of them has failed validation, both questions will be highlighted.
quit-page the id of the UIM page to which the user will be taken when they click on the Save and Exit button at any stage within this script.
show-progress-bar when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that a progress bar should be displayed at the top of the page. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.
show-sections when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that the sections panel should be displayed on the left side of the page. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.
validate-save-and-exit when set to false, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that page validations and mandatory validations should not be performed when the Save and Exit button is selected. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.